Section 151 of the Indian Patents Act 1970
Section 151 of the Indian Patents Act 1970 is about Transmission of orders of courts to Controller. It is under CHAPTER XXIII of the Act. CHAPTER XXIII is titled MISCELLANEOUS.
Transmission of orders of courts to Controller
(1) Every order of the High Court or the Appellate Board on a petition for revocation, including orders granting certificates of validity of any claim, shall be transmitted by the High Court or the Appellate Board to the Controller who shall cause an entry thereof and reference thereto to be made in the register.
(2)Where in any suit for infringement of a patent or in any suit under section 106 the validity of any claim or a specification is contested and that claim is found by the court to be valid or not valid, as the case may be, the court shall transmit a copy of its judgment and decree to the Controller who shall on receipt thereof cause an entry in relation to such proceeding to be made in the prescribed manner in a supplemental record.
(3)The provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall also apply to the court to which appeals are preferred against decisions of the Appellate Board or the courts, as the case may be, referred to in those sub-sections.
See also:
Section 150 Indian Patents Act 1970 (Security for costs)
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