Section 115 of the Indian Patents Act
Section 115 of the Indian Patents Act 1970 is about Scientific advisers. It is under CHAPTER XVIII of the Act. CHAPTER XVIII is titled SUITS CONCERNING INFRINGEMENTS OF PATENTS.
Scientific advisers
(1) In any suit for infringement or in any proceeding before a court under this Act, the court may at any time, and whether or not an application has been made by any party for that purpose, appoint an independent scientific adviser to assist the court or to inquire and report upon any such question of fact or of opinion (not involving a question of interpretation of law) as it may formulate for the purpose.
(2) The remuneration of the scientific adviser shall be fixed by the court and shall include the costs of making a report and a proper daily fee for any day on which the scientific adviser may be required to attend before the court, and such remuneration shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by Parliament by law for the purpose.
See also:
Section 114 Indian Patents Act 1970 (Relief for infringement of partially valid specification.)
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