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Home » Singapore » Singapore Constitution 1963 » Article 37J-37M Singapore Constitution 1963

Article 37J-37M Singapore Constitution 1963

Article 37J-37M Constitution of Singapore 1963

Article 37J, 37K, 37L, 37M, among others, are under Part V(A) of the Constitution of Singapore 1963. Part V(A) is titled Council of Presidential Advisers.

Article 37J Singapore Constitution 1963

Proceedings of Council

(1) The proceedings of the Council shall be conducted in private and the Council may require any public officer or any officer of any statutory board or Government company to appear before the Council and to give such information in relation to any matter referred to the Council by the President and such officer shall not disclose or divulge to any person any matter which has arisen at any meeting of the Council unless he is expressly authorised to do so by the President.

See also  Article 46-54 Singapore Constitution 1963

(2) [Deleted by Act 28 of 2016]
(2A) [Deleted by Act 28 of 2016]
(2B) [Deleted by Act 28 of 2016]

(3) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Council may make rules with respect to the regulation and conduct of its proceedings and the despatch of its business.

Article 37K Singapore Constitution 1963

[Repealed by Act 28 of 2016]

Article 37L Singapore Constitution 1963


(1) There shall be paid to the Chairman and the other members of the Council such fees as may be determined by the President.

(2) The fees payable under clause (1) shall be charged on and paid out of the Consolidated Fund and shall not be diminished during the continuance in office of the Chairman and the members of the Council.

Article 37M Singapore Constitution 1963

Appointment of staff

The Council shall have power to appoint a Secretary to the Council and such other officers as may be required to enable the Council to carry out its functions.

See also:

Article 37A-37H Singapore Constitution 1963

Article 37I-37IG Singapore Constitution 1963

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