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Constitution of Singapore 1963

Singapore Constitution 1963

The 1963 Constitution of Singapore is the supreme law of the Country. According to Section 1 of the Constitution, it may be cited as the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Singapore. The Constitution consists of 14 parts, 166 articles and 5 schedules.

Part 1 – Preliminary

Article 1 Singapore ConstitutionCitation

Article 2 Singapore ConstitutionInterpretation

Part 2 – The Republic and the Constitution

Article 3 Singapore ConstitutionRepublic of Singapore

Article 4 Singapore ConstitutionSupremacy of Constitution

Article 5 Singapore ConstitutionAmendment of Constitution

Part 3 – Protection of the Sovereignty of the Republic of Singapore

Article 6 Singapore ConstitutionNo surrender of sovereignty or relinquishment of control over the Police Force or the Armed Forces except by referendum

Article 7 Singapore ConstitutionParticipation in co-operative international schemes which are beneficial to Singapore

Article 8 Singapore ConstitutionNo amendment to this Part except by referendum

Part 4 – Fundamental Liberties

Article 9 Singapore ConstitutionLiberty of the person

Article 10 Singapore ConstitutionSlavery and forced labour prohibited

Article 11 Singapore ConstitutionProtection against retrospective criminal laws and repeated trials

Article 12 Singapore ConstitutionEqual protection

Article 13 Singapore ConstitutionProhibition of banishment and freedom of movement

Article 14 Singapore ConstitutionFreedom of speech, assembly and association

Article 15 Singapore ConstitutionFreedom of religion

Article 16 Singapore ConstitutionRights in respect of education

Part 5 – The Government

Chapter 1 – The President

Article 17 Singapore ConstitutionThe President

Article 17A Singapore ConstitutionElection of President

Article 18 Singapore ConstitutionPresidential Elections Committee

Article 19 Singapore ConstitutionQualifications of President

Article 19A Singapore ConstitutionDisabilities of President

Article 19B Singapore ConstitutionReserved election for community that has not held office of President for 5 or more consecutive terms

Article 20 Singapore ConstitutionTerm of office

Article 21 Singapore ConstitutionDischarge and performance of functions of President

Article 21A Singapore ConstitutionGeneral time limit for President to exercise discretionary powers

Article 22 Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of public officers, etc.

Article 22A Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of members of statutory boards

Article 22B Singapore ConstitutionBudgets of statutory boards

Article 22C Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of directors of Government companies

Article 22D Singapore ConstitutionBudgets of Government companies

Article 22E Singapore ConstitutionMoneys of the Central Provident Fund

Article 22F Singapore ConstitutionPresident’s access to information

Article 22G Singapore ConstitutionConcurrence of President for certain investigations

Article 22H Singapore ConstitutionPresident may withhold assent to certain Bills

Article 22I Singapore ConstitutionRestraining order under Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act 1990

Article 22J Singapore ConstitutionCivil List and personal staff of President

Article 22K Singapore ConstitutionImmunity of President from suit

Article 22L Singapore ConstitutionVacation of and removal from office of President

Article 22M Singapore ConstitutionDetermination by Election Judge that President was not duly elected or election of President was void

Article 22N Singapore ConstitutionPersons to exercise functions of President when office is vacant

Article 22O Singapore ConstitutionTemporary disability of President

Article 22P Singapore ConstitutionGrant of pardon, etc.

Chapter 2 – The Executive

Article 23 Singapore ConstitutionExecutive authority of Singapore

Article 24 Singapore ConstitutionCabinet

Article 25 Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of Prime Minister and Ministers

Article 26 Singapore ConstitutionTenure of office of Prime Minister and Ministers

Article 27 Singapore ConstitutionOath

Article 28 Singapore ConstitutionSummoning of and presiding in Cabinet

Article 29 Singapore ConstitutionValidity of proceedings in Cabinet

See also  First Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963

Article 30 Singapore ConstitutionAssignment of responsibility to Ministers

Article 31 Singapore ConstitutionParliamentary Secretaries

Article 32 Singapore ConstitutionLeave of absence for Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries

Article 33 Singapore ConstitutionDisabilities of Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries

Article 34 Singapore ConstitutionPermanent Secretaries

Article 35 Singapore ConstitutionAttorney-General

Article 35A Singapore ConstitutionDeputy Attorneys-General

Article 36 Singapore ConstitutionSecretary to Cabinet

Chapter 3 – Capacity as regards Property, Contracts and Suits

Article 37 Singapore ConstitutionCapacity of Government as regards property, contracts and suits

Part 5A – Council of Presidential Advisers

Article 37A Singapore ConstitutionInterpretation of this Part

Article 37B Singapore ConstitutionCouncil of Presidential Advisers

Article 37C Singapore ConstitutionAlternate members

Article 37D Singapore ConstitutionQualifications of members and considerations in appointing members

Article 37E Singapore ConstitutionDisqualifications of members

Article 37F Singapore ConstitutionTermination of membership

Article 37G Singapore ConstitutionDetermination of questions as to membership

Article 37H Singapore ConstitutionOaths of Allegiance and Secrecy

Article 37I Singapore ConstitutionFunction of Council

Article 37IA Singapore ConstitutionPresident’s general duty to consult Council

Article 37IB Singapore ConstitutionPresident to immediately refer to Council certain cases concerning veto powers

Article 37IC Singapore ConstitutionReferred cases — time limit for Council to make recommendation

Article 37ID Singapore ConstitutionReferred cases — matters to be stated in Council’s recommendation, etc.

Article 37IE Singapore ConstitutionReferred cases — Prime Minister to receive President’s grounds and Council’s recommendation if President exercises veto, etc.

Article 37IF Singapore ConstitutionReferred cases — Parliament may overrule Presidential veto exercised contrary to Council’s recommendation

Article 37IG Singapore ConstitutionQuorum and voting

Article 37J Singapore ConstitutionProceedings of Council

Article 37K Singapore Constitution – [Repealed by Act 28 of 2016]

Article 37L Singapore ConstitutionFees

Article 37M Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of staff

Part 6 – The Legislature

Article 38 Singapore ConstitutionLegislature of Singapore

Article 39 Singapore ConstitutionParliament

Article 39A Singapore ConstitutionGroup representation constituencies

Article 40 Singapore ConstitutionSpeaker

Article 41 Singapore ConstitutionRemuneration of Speaker

Article 42 Singapore ConstitutionDeputy Speaker

Article 43 Singapore ConstitutionPerformance of functions of Speaker

Article 44 Singapore ConstitutionQualifications for membership of Parliament

Article 45 Singapore ConstitutionDisqualifications for membership of Parliament

Article 46 Singapore ConstitutionTenure of office of Members

Article 47 Singapore ConstitutionProvision against double membership

Article 48 Singapore ConstitutionDecision on questions as to disqualification

Article 49 Singapore ConstitutionFilling of vacancies

Article 50 Singapore ConstitutionPenalty for unqualified persons sitting or voting in Parliament

Article 51 Singapore ConstitutionStaff of Parliament

Article 52 Singapore ConstitutionStanding Orders

Article 53 Singapore ConstitutionUse of languages in Parliament

Article 54 Singapore ConstitutionPresiding in Parliament

Article 55 Singapore ConstitutionValidity of proceedings of Parliament

Article 56 Singapore ConstitutionQuorum

Article 57 Singapore ConstitutionVoting

Article 58 Singapore ConstitutionExercise of legislative power

Article 59 Singapore ConstitutionIntroduction of Bills

Article 60 Singapore ConstitutionWords of enactment of laws

Article 61 Singapore ConstitutionOath of Allegiance

Article 62 Singapore ConstitutionAddress by President

Article 63 Singapore ConstitutionAddress by President

Article 64 Singapore ConstitutionSessions of Parliament

Article 64A Singapore ConstitutionContinuity of Parliament

Article 65 Singapore ConstitutionProrogation and dissolution of Parliament

Article 66 Singapore ConstitutionGeneral elections

Article 67 Singapore ConstitutionRemuneration of Members

Part 7 – The Presidential Council For Minority Rights

Article 68 Singapore ConstitutionInterpretation of this Part

Article 69 Singapore ConstitutionEstablishment of Presidential Council for Minority Rights

Article 70 Singapore ConstitutionTemporary appointment during incapacity of member

Article 71 Singapore ConstitutionQualifications of members

Article 72 Singapore ConstitutionDisqualifications of members

Article 73 Singapore ConstitutionTermination of membership

Article 74 Singapore ConstitutionDetermination of questions as to membership

Article 75 Singapore ConstitutionOaths of Allegiance and Secrecy

Article 76 Singapore ConstitutionGeneral function of Council

See also  Article 22H-22P Singapore Constitution 1963

Article 77 Singapore ConstitutionFunctions of Council in respect of Bills and subsidiary legislation

Article 78 Singapore ConstitutionCopies of Bills and amendments thereto to be sent to Council

Article 79 Singapore ConstitutionFunctions of Council in regard to Bills enacted on a certificate of urgency

Article 80 Singapore ConstitutionFunctions of Council in regard to subsidiary legislation

Article 81 Singapore ConstitutionFunctions of Council in regard to certain written law

Article 82 Singapore ConstitutionDuties of Chairman

Article 83 Singapore ConstitutionQuorum and voting

Article 84 Singapore ConstitutionProceedings of Council to be in private

Article 85 Singapore ConstitutionCouncil’s report

Article 86 Singapore ConstitutionValidity of proceedings notwithstanding vacancy in membership

Article 87 Singapore ConstitutionAttendance of Minister, etc.

Article 88 Singapore ConstitutionPower of Council to make rules regulating procedure

Article 89 Singapore ConstitutionAnnual report

Article 90 Singapore ConstitutionSalaries and fees

Article 91 Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of staff

Article 92 Singapore ConstitutionPower to make rules generally

Part 8 – The Judiciary

Article 93 Singapore ConstitutionJudicial power of Singapore

Article 93A Singapore ConstitutionJurisdiction to determine questions as to validity of Presidential election

Article 94 Singapore ConstitutionConstitution of Supreme Court

Article 95 Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of Supreme Court Judges, etc.

Article 96 Singapore ConstitutionQualifications of Supreme Court Judges

Article 97 Singapore ConstitutionOath of Office of Supreme Court Judges, etc.

Article 98 Singapore ConstitutionTenure of office and remuneration of Supreme Court Judges, etc.

Article 99 Singapore ConstitutionRestriction on Parliamentary discussion of conduct of person holding high judicial office

Article 100 Singapore ConstitutionAdvisory opinion

Article 101 Singapore Constitution – [Repealed by Act 38 of 2019]

Part 9 – The Public Service

Chapter 1 – General Provisions

Article 102 Singapore ConstitutionPublic services

Article 103 Singapore ConstitutionInterpretation of this Part

Article 104 Singapore ConstitutionProvisions about public service

Chapter 2 – The Public Service Commission

Article 105 Singapore ConstitutionPublic Service Commission

Article 106 Singapore ConstitutionDisqualification for appointment to Commission

Article 107 Singapore ConstitutionTenure of office

Article 108 Singapore ConstitutionTerms of service of Chairman and members of Commission

Article 109 Singapore ConstitutionSecretary to Commission

Article 110 Singapore ConstitutionFunctions

Article 110A Singapore Constitution [Repealed by Act 11 of 1998]

Article 110B Singapore Constitution – [Repealed by Act 11 of 1998]

Article 110C Singapore Constitution – [Repealed by Act 11 of 1998]

Article 110D Singapore ConstitutionPersonnel boards

Article 111 Singapore Constitution – [Repealed by Act 32 of 2021 wef 14/01/2022]

Article 111AA Singapore Constitution – [Repealed by Act 32 of 2021 wef 14/01/2022]

Article 111A Singapore ConstitutionPromotion to significant grade

Chapter 3 – The Judicial Service Commission

Article 111B Singapore ConstitutionJudicial Service Commission

Article 111C Singapore ConstitutionDisqualification for appointment to Commission

Article 111D Singapore ConstitutionTenure of office of appointed members

Article 111E Singapore ConstitutionTerms of service of appointed members, etc.

Article 111F Singapore ConstitutionFunctions

Article 111G Singapore ConstitutionProcedure

Article 111H Singapore ConstitutionSecretary to Commission

Article 111I Singapore ConstitutionPersonnel boards

Chapter 4 – The Legal Service Commission

Article 111J Singapore ConstitutionLegal Service Commission

Article 111K Singapore ConstitutionDisqualification for appointment to Commission

Article 111L Singapore ConstitutionTenure of office of appointed members

Article 111M Singapore ConstitutionTerms of service of appointed members, etc.

Article 111N Singapore ConstitutionFunctions

Article 111O Singapore ConstitutionProcedure

Article 111P Singapore ConstitutionSecretary to Commission

Article 111Q Singapore ConstitutionPersonnel boards

Chapter 5 – Supplementary Provision

Article 112 Singapore ConstitutionProtection of pension rights

Article 113 Singapore ConstitutionPower of Commissions in relation to pensions, etc.

Article 114 Singapore ConstitutionPensions, etc., to be charged on Pension Fund or Consolidated Fund

Article 115 Singapore ConstitutionPension rights on transfer

Article 116 Singapore ConstitutionRegulations regarding public service

Article 117 Singapore Constitution – [Omitted (as the Article has had its effect).]

See also  Second Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963

Article 118 Singapore ConstitutionPerformance by Public Service Commission of other functions

Article 119 Singapore ConstitutionAnnual reports

Part 10 – Citizenship

Article 120 Singapore ConstitutionStatus of citizen of Singapore

Article 121 Singapore ConstitutionCitizenship by birth

Article 122 Singapore ConstitutionCitizenship by descent

Article 123 Singapore ConstitutionCitizenship by registration

Article 124 Singapore ConstitutionRegistration of minors

Article 125 Singapore ConstitutionEffect of registration

Article 126 Singapore ConstitutionGeneral provisions as to registration

Article 127 Singapore ConstitutionCitizenship by naturalisation

Article 128 Singapore ConstitutionRenunciation of citizenship

Article 129 Singapore ConstitutionDeprivation of citizenship

Article 130 Singapore ConstitutionDeprivation of citizenship of child of person losing citizenship

Article 131 Singapore ConstitutionGeneral provisions as to loss of citizenship

Article 132 Singapore ConstitutionCancellation of enrolment as citizen

Article 133 Singapore ConstitutionProcedure for deprivation

Article 134 Singapore ConstitutionDeprivation of citizenship on acquisition of foreign citizenship

Article 135 Singapore ConstitutionDeprivation of citizenship on exercise of rights of foreign nationals, etc.

Article 136 Singapore ConstitutionTermination of citizenship of Malaysia

Article 137 Singapore ConstitutionDeprivation of citizenship or cancellation of enrolment of child of person losing citizenship

Article 138 Singapore ConstitutionGrant of certificate of citizenship in cases of doubt

Article 139 Singapore ConstitutionCommonwealth citizenship

Article 140 Singapore ConstitutionApplication of Third Schedule

Article 141 Singapore ConstitutionRepeal

Part 11 – Financial Provisions

Article 142 Singapore ConstitutionInterpretation of this Part

Article 143 Singapore ConstitutionNo taxation unless authorised by law

Article 144 Singapore ConstitutionRestriction on loans, guarantees, etc.

Article 145 Singapore ConstitutionConsolidated Fund

Article 146 Singapore ConstitutionWithdrawal from Consolidated Fund, etc.

Article 147 Singapore ConstitutionAnnual estimates and financial statements

Article 148 Singapore ConstitutionAuthorisation of expenditure from Consolidated Fund and Development Fund

Article 148A Singapore ConstitutionWithholding of assent to Supply Bill, etc.

Article 148B Singapore ConstitutionPower to authorise expenditure on account, etc., or for unspecified purposes

Article 148C Singapore ConstitutionContingencies Funds

Article 148D Singapore Constitution –  [Repealed by Act 28 of 2016]

Article 148E Singapore ConstitutionDebt charges and moneys required to satisfy judgments

Article 148F Singapore ConstitutionAppointment of Auditor-General

Article 148G Singapore ConstitutionDuty to inform President of certain transactions

Article 148H Singapore ConstitutionPublication of President’s opinion regarding certain liabilities of the Government

Article 148I Singapore ConstitutionTransfer of Government’s past reserves

Part 12 – Special Powers Against Subversion and Emergency Powers

Article 149 Singapore ConstitutionLegislation against subversion

Article 150 Singapore Constitution – Proclamation of Emergency

Article 151 Singapore ConstitutionRestrictions on preventive detention

Article 151A Singapore ConstitutionDefence and security measures

Part 13 – General Provisions

Article 152 Singapore ConstitutionMinorities and special position of Malays

Article 153 Singapore ConstitutionMuslim religion

Article 153A Singapore ConstitutionOfficial languages and national language

Article 154 Singapore ConstitutionImpartial treatment of Government employees

Article 154A Singapore ConstitutionExemption

Article 155 Singapore ConstitutionAuthorised reprints of Constitution

Article 156 Singapore Constitution – [Omitted in 1999 Reprint]

Part 14 – Transitional Powers

Article 157 Singapore ConstitutionExisting Standing Orders

Article 158 Singapore ConstitutionPublic officers to continue in office

Article 159 Singapore ConstitutionTerms of service of persons who continue in office

Article 160 Singapore ConstitutionSuccession to property

Article 161 Singapore Constitution – [Omitted in 1999 Reprint]

Article 162 Singapore ConstitutionExisting laws

Article 163 Singapore ConstitutionPerson holding office of President immediately prior to 30 November 1991 to continue to hold such office

Article 164 Singapore ConstitutionTransitional provisions for Article 19B

Article 165 Singapore ConstitutionTransitional provisions for Council of Presidential Advisers

Article 166 Singapore ConstitutionTransitional provision for persons who hold or have held office as Judge of Appeal immediately before date of commencement of Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Amendment) Act 2019


First Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963Forms of Oaths

Second Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963Oath of Renunciation, Allegiance and Loyalty

Third Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963Citizenship

Fourth Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963Appointment of Nominated Members of Parliament

Fifth Schedule Singapore Constitution 1963Key Statutory Boards and Government Companies

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