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Constitution of Ethiopia 1994

Ethiopian Constitution 1994


We, the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia:

Strongly committed, in full and free exercise of our right to self-determination, to building a political community founded on the rule of law and capable of ensuring a lasting peace, guaranteeing a democratic order, and advancing our economic and social development;

Firmly convinced that the fulfillment of this objective requires full respect of individual and people’s fundamental freedoms and rights, to live together on the basis of equality and without any sexual, religious or cultural discrimination;

Further convinced that by continuing to live with our rich and proud cultural legacies in territories we have long inhabited, have, through continuous interaction on various levels and forms of life, built up common interests and have also contributed to the emergence of a common outlook;

Fully cognizant that our common destiny can best be served by rectifying historically unjust relationships and by further promoting our shared interests;

Convinced that to live as one economic community is necessary in order to create sustainable and mutually supportive conditions for ensuring respect for our rights and freedoms and for the collective promotion of our interests;

Determined to consolidate, as a lasting legacy, the peace and the prospect of a democratic order which our struggles and sacrifices have brought about;

Have therefore adopted, on 8 December 1994 this Constitution through representatives we have duly elected for this purpose as an instrument that binds us in a mutual commitment to fulfill the objectives and the principles set forth above.

Chapter 1 – General Provisions

Article 1 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Nomenclature of the state

Article 2 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Ethiopian Territorial Jurisdiction

Article 3 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Ethiopian Flag

Article 4 Ethiopian Constitution 1994National Anthem of Ethiopia

Article 5 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Languages

Article 6 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Nationality

Article 7 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Gender Reference

See also  Article 45-49 Ethiopian Constitution 1994

Chapter 2 – Fundamental Principles of the Constitution

Article 8 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Sovereignty of the People

Article 9 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Supremacy of the Constitution

Article 10 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Human and Democratic Rights

Article 11 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Separation of State and Religion

Article 12 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Conduct and Accountability of Government

Chapter 3 – Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Article 13 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Scope of Application and Interpretation

Part 1 – Human Rights

Article 14 Ethiopian Constitution 1994 Rights to life, the Security of Person and Liberty

Article 15 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right to Life

Article 16 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Right of the Security of Person

Article 17 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right to Liberty

Article 18 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Prohibition against Inhuman Treatment

Article 19 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Right of Persons Arrested

Article 20 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Rights of Persons Accused

Article 21 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Rights of Persons Held in Custody and Convicted Prisoners

Article 22 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Non-retroactively of Criminal Law

Article 23 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Prohibition of Double Jeopardy

Article 24 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right to Honour and Reputation

Article 25 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right to Equality

Article 26 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right to Privacy

Article 27 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion

Article 28 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Crimes against Humanity

Part 2 – Democratic Rights

Article 29 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right of Thought, Opinion and Expression

Article 30 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Right of Assembly, Demonstration and petition

Article 31 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Freedom of Association

Article 32 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Freedom of Movement

Article 33 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Rights of nationality

Article 34 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Marital, Personal and Family Rights

Article 35 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Rights of Women

Article 36 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Rights of Children

Article 37 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Right of Access to Justice

Article 38 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Right to Vote and to be Elected

Article 39 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Rights of Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples

See also  Article 8-12 Ethiopian Constitution 1994

Article 40 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Right to Property

Article 41 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Article 42 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Rights of Labour

Article 43 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Right to Development

Article 44 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Environmental Rights

Chapter 4 – State Structure

Article 45 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Form of Government

Article 46 Ethiopian Constitution 1994States of the Federation

Article 47 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Member States of the Federal Democratic Republic

Article 48 Ethiopian Constitution 1994State Border Changes

Article 49 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Capital City

Chapter 5 – The Structure and Division of Powers

Article 50 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Structure of the Organs of State

Article 51 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the Federal Government

Article 52 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of States

Chapter 6 – The Federal Houses

Article 53 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Federal Houses

Part 1 – The House of Peoples’ Representatives

Article 54 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Members of the House of Peoples’ Representatives

Article 55 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the House of Peoples’ Representatives

Article 56 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Political Power

Article 57 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Adoption of Laws

Article 58 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Meetings of the House, Duration of its Term

Article 59 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Decisions and Rules of Procedure of the House

Article 60 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Dissolution of the House

Part 2 – The House of the Federation

Article 61 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Members of the House of the Federation

Article 62 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the House of the Federation

Article 63 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Immunity of Members of the House of the Federation

Article 64 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Decisions and Rules of Procedure

Article 65 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Budget

Article 66 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers of the Speaker of the House

Article 67 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Sessions and Term of Mandate

Article 68 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Prohibition of Simultaneous Membership in the Two Houses

Chapter 7 – The President of the Republic

Article 69 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The President

See also  Article 78-84 Ethiopian Constitution 1994

Article 70 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Nominations and Appointment of the President

Article 71 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the President

Chapter 8 – The Executive

Article 72 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Powers of the Executive

Article 73 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Appointment of the Prime Minister

Article 74 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the Prime Minister

Article 75 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Deputy Prime Minister

Article 76 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Council of Ministers

Article 77 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the Council of Ministers

Chapter 9 – Structure and Powers of the Courts

Article 78 Ethiopian Constitution 1994 Independence of the Judiciary

Article 79 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Judicial Powers

Article 80 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Concurrent Jurisdiction of Courts

Article 81 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Appointment of Judges

Article 82 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Structure of the Council of Constitutional Inquiry

Article 83 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Interpretation of the Constitution

Article 84 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Powers and Functions of the Council of Constitutional Inquiry

Chapter 10 – National Policy Principles and Objectives

Article 85 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Objectives

Article 86 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Principles for External Relation

Article 87 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Principles for National Defence

Article 88 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Political Objectives

Article 89 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Economic Objectives

Article 90 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Social Objectives

Article 91 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Cultural Objectives

Article 92 Ethiopian Constitution 1994environmental Objectives

Chapter 11 – Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 93 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Declaration of State of Emergency

Article 94 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Financial Expenditures

Article 95 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Revenue

Article 96 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Federal Power of Taxation

Article 97 Ethiopian Constitution 1994State Power of Taxation

Article 98 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Concurrent Power of Taxation

Article 99 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Undesignated Powers of Taxation

Article 100 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Directives on Taxation

Article 101 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Auditor General

Article 102 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Election Board

Article 103 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Population Census Commission

Article 104 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Initiation of Amendments

Article 105 Ethiopian Constitution 1994Amendment of the Constitution

Article 106 Ethiopian Constitution 1994The Version with Final Legal Authority

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