Home » Section 71-76 Botswana Constitution 1966

Section 71-76 Botswana Constitution 1966

Section 71-76 Constitution of Botswana 1966

Section 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 of the Constitution of Botswana 1966 are under Part II (General Provisions Relating to Procedure in National Assembly) of Chapter V of the Constitution. Chapter V is titled Parliament.

Section 71 Botswana Constitution 1966

Oaths to be taken by Speaker and Members

The Speaker, before assuming the duties of his or her office, and every Member of the National Assembly before taking his or her seat therein, shall take and subscribe before the Assembly the oath of allegiance.

Section 72 Botswana Constitution 1966

Presiding in Assembly

There shall preside at any sitting of the National Assembly—
a. the Speaker;
b. in the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker; or
c. in the absence of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, such Member of the
Assembly (not being the President or Vice-President or a Minister or Assistant Minister) as the Assembly may elect for that sitting.

Section 73 Botswana Constitution 1966

Quorum in Assembly

See also  Constitution of Botswana 1966

If objection is taken by any Member of the National Assembly present that there are present in the Assembly (besides the person presiding) less than one third of the Members of the Assembly and, after such interval as may be prescribed in the rules
of procedure of the Assembly, the person presiding ascertains that the number of
Members present is less than one third, he shall thereupon adjourn the Assembly.

Section 74 Botswana Constitution 1966

Voting in Assembly

1. Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, any question proposed for
decision in the National Assembly shall be determined by a majority of the votes
of the Members present and voting.

2. [9 of 2005, s. 9.]

3. The person presiding in the National Assembly shall have neither an original
vote nor a casting vote and if upon any question before the Assembly the votes
are equally divided the motion shall be lost.

Section 75 Botswana Constitution 1966

Unqualified persons sitting or voting

Any person who sits or votes in the National Assembly knowing or having reasonable grounds for knowing that he or she is not entitled to do so shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding P50 or such other sum as may be prescribed by Parliament for each day on which he or she so sits or votes in the Assembly, which shall be recoverable by action in the High Court at the suit of the Attorney-General.

Section 76 Botswana Constitution 1966

Regulation of procedure in Assembly

1. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the National Assembly may
regulate its own procedure.

See also  Section 94 Botswana Constitution 1966

2. The National Assembly may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership
(including any vacancy not filled when the Assembly first meets after any
dissolution) and the presence or participation of any person not entitled to be
present or to participate in the proceedings of the Assembly shall not invalidate
those proceedings.

See also:

Section 77-85 Botswana Constitution 1966 (Ntlo ya Dikgosi)

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