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Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999

The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is the grundnorm of the country, to which every state action and law is subject. Section 1 of the Constitution expressly provides for the Supremacy of the constitution, over and above any other law in the country.

Section 1(3) states, “If any other law is inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail, and that other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.”

In the Supreme Court case of Nwaigwe and ors v Nze Edwin Okere (2008) LPELR – 2095 (SC), per ONNOGHEN, JSC held on the effect of any law or act that is inconsistent with the constitution, thus; “…the constitution is the Supreme law of the land and it is settled law that any law or Act or Section thereof that is inconsistent with any provision of the constitution is null and void to the extent of the inconsistency.”

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Sections of the Nigeria Constitution

Chapter I – General Provisions

Part I
Federal Republic of Nigeria


Section 1 of the 1999 ConstitutionSupremacy of constitution

Section 2 of the 1999 ConstitutionThe Federal Republic of Nigeria

Section 3 of the 1999 ConstitutionStates of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Part II
Powers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Section 4 of the 1999 ConstitutionLegislative powers

Section 5 of the 1999 ConstitutionExecutive powers

Section 6 of the 1999 ConstitutionJudicial powers

Section 7 of the 1999 ConstitutionLocal government system

Section 8 of the 1999 ConstitutionNew states and boundary adjustment, etc.

Section 9 of the 1999 ConstitutionMode of altering provisions of the constitution

Section 10 of the 1999 ConstitutionProhibition of State Religion

Section 11 of the 1999 ConstitutionPublic order and public security

Section 12 of the 1999 ConstitutionImplementation of treaties

Chapter II – Fundamental Objectives and directive Principles of State Policy

Section 13 of the 1999 ConstitutionFundamental obligations of the Government

Section 14 of the 1999 ConstitutionThe Government and the people

Section 15 of the 1999 ConstitutionPolitical objectives

Section 16 of the 1999 ConstitutionEconomic objectives

Section 17 of the 1999 ConstitutionSocial objectives

Section 18 of the 1999 ConstitutionEducational objectives

Section 19 of the 1999 ConstitutionForeign policy objectives

Section 20 of the 1999 ConstitutionEnvironmental objectives

Section 21 of the 1999 ConstitutionDirective on Nigeria cultures

Section 22 of the 1999 ConstitutionObligation of the mass media

Section 23 of the 1999 ConstitutionNational ethics

Section 24 of the 1999 ConstitutionDuties of the citizen

Chapter III – Citizenship

Section 25 of the 1999 ConstitutionCitizenship by birth

Section 26 of the 1999 ConstitutionCitizenship by registration

Section 27 of the 1999 ConstitutionCitizenship by naturalisation

Section 28 of the 1999 ConstitutionDual citizenship

Section 29 of the 1999 ConstitutionRenunciation of citizenship

Section 30 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeprivation of citizenship

Section 31 of the 1999 ConstitutionPersons deemed to be Nigerian citizens

Section 32 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower to make regulations

Chapter IV – Fundamental Rights

Section 33 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to life

Section 34 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to dignity of human persons

Section 35 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to personal liberty

Section 36 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to fair hearing

Section 37 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to private and family life

Section 38 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Section 39 of the 1999 Constitution Right to freedom of expression and the press

Section 40 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to peaceful assembly and association

Section 41 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to freedom of movement

Section 42 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to freedom from discrimination

Section 43 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight to acquire and own immovable property

Section 44 of the 1999 ConstitutionCompulsory acquisition of property

Section 45 of the 1999 ConstitutionRestriction on and derogation from fundamental human rights

Section 46 of the 1999 ConstitutionSpecial jurisdiction of High Court and Legal aid

Chapter V – The Legislature

Part I – National Assembly
A – Composition and Staff of National Assembly

Section 47 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of National Assembly

Section 48 of the 1999 ConstitutionComposition of the Senate

Section 49 of the 1999 ConstitutionComposition of the House of Representatives

Section 50 of the 1999 ConstitutionPresident of the senate and speaker of the House of Representatives

Section 51 of the 1999 ConstitutionStaff of the National Assembly

B – Procedure for Summoning and Dissolution of National Assembly

Section 52 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of assets and liabilities; oath of members

Section 53 of the 1999 ConstitutionPresiding at sitting of the National Assembly and at joint sittings

Section 54 of the 1999 ConstitutionQuorum

Section 55 of the 1999 ConstitutionLanguages

Section 56 of the 1999 ConstitutionVoting

Section 57 of the 1999 ConstitutionUnqualified person sitting or voting

Section 58 of the 1999 ConstitutionMode of exercising Federal Legislative power: general

Section 59 of the 1999 ConstitutionMode of exercising Federal Legislative power: money bills

Section 60 of the 1999 ConstitutionRegulation of procedure

Section 61 of the 1999 ConstitutionVacancy or participation of strangers not to invalidate proceedings

Section 62 of the 1999 ConstitutionCommittees

Section 63 of the 1999 ConstitutionSittings

Section 64 of the 1999 ConstitutionDissolution and issue of proclamations by president

C – Qualifications for Membership of National Assembly and Right of Attendance

Section 65 of the 1999 ConstitutionQualifications for election

Section 66 of the 1999 ConstitutionDisqualifications

Section 67 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight of attendance of President

Section 68 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of Seat of Members

Section 69 of the 1999 ConstitutionRecall

Section 70 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemuneration

D – Elections to National Assembly

Section 71 of the 1999 ConstitutionSenatorial districts and Federal constituencies

Section 72 of the 1999 ConstitutionSize of Senatorial districts and Federal constituencies

Section 73 of the 1999 ConstitutionPeriodical review of Senatorial districts and Federal constituencies

Section 74 of the 1999 ConstitutionTime when alteration of senatorial districts or Federal constituencies takes effects

Section 75 of the 1999 ConstitutionAscertainment of population

Section 76 of the 1999 ConstitutionTime of Election to the National Assembly

Section 77 of the 1999 ConstitutionDirect Election and franchise

Section 78 of the 1999 ConstitutionSupervision of election

Section 79 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower of the National Assembly as to determination

E – Powers and Control over Public Funds

Section 80 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of Consolidated Revenue Fund

Section 81 of the 1999 ConstitutionAuthorisation of expenditure from Consolidated Revenue Fund

Section 82 of the 1999 ConstitutionAuthorisation of expenditure in default appropriations

Section 83 of the 1999 ConstitutionContingencies Fund

Section 84 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemuneration, etc. of the President and certain other officers

Section 85 of the 1999 ConstitutionAudit of Public accounts

Section 86 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Auditor-General

Section 87 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office of Auditor-General

Section 88 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower to conduct investigations

Section 89 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower as to matters of evidence

Part II – House of Assembly of a State
A – Composition and Staff of House of Assembly

Section 90 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of House of assembly for each State

Section 91 of the 1999 ConstitutionComposition of the House of Assembly

Section 92 of the 1999 ConstitutionSpeaker of House of Assembly

Section 93 of the 1999 ConstitutionStaff of house of Assembly

B – Procedure for Summoning and Dissolution of House of Assembly

Section 94 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of assets and liabilities; oaths of members

Section 95 of the 1999 ConstitutionPresiding at sittings

Section 96 of the 1999 ConstitutionQuorum

Section 97 of the 1999 ConstitutionLanguages

Section 98 of the 1999 ConstitutionVoting

Section 99 of the 1999 ConstitutionUnqualified person sitting or voting

Section 100 of the 1999 ConstitutionMode of exercising legislative power of a state

Section 101 of the 1999 ConstitutionRegulation of procedure

Section 102 of the 1999 ConstitutionVacancy or participation of strangers not to invalidate proceedings

Section 103 of the 1999 ConstitutionCommittees

Section 104 of the 1999 ConstitutionSittings

Section 105 of the 1999 ConstitutionDissolution and issue of proclamation by Governor

C – Qualification for Membership of House of Assembly and Right of Attendance

Section 106 of the 1999 ConstitutionQualifications for election

Section 107 of the 1999 ConstitutionDisqualifications

Section 108 of the 1999 ConstitutionRight of attendance of President

Section 109 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of Seat of Members

Section 110 of the 1999 ConstitutionRecall

D – Elections to a House of Assembly

Section 111 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemuneration

Section 112 of the 1999 ConstitutionState constituencies

Section 113 of the 1999 ConstitutionSize of state constituencies

Section 114 of the 1999 ConstitutionPeriodical review of State constituencies

Section 115 of the 1999 ConstitutionTime when alteration of state constituencies takes effect

Section 116 of the 1999 ConstitutionTime of elections to Houses of Assembly

Section 117 of the 1999 ConstitutionDirect election and franchise

Section 118 of the 1999 ConstitutionSupervision and election

Section 119 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower of National Assembly as to determination of certain questions

E – Powers and control over Public Funds

Section 120 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of Consolidated Revenue Fund

Section 121 of the 1999 ConstitutionAuthorisation of expenditure from Consolidated Revenue fund

Section 122 of the 1999 ConstitutionAuthorisation of expenditure in default of appropriations

Section 123 of the 1999 ConstitutionContingencies Fund

Section 124 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemuneration, etc. of the governor and certain other  officers

Section 125 of the 1999 ConstitutionAudit of Public accounts

Section 126 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Auditor-General

Section 127 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office of Auditor-General

Section 128 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower to conduct investigations

Section 129 of the 1999 ConstitutionPower as to matters of evidence

Chapter VI – The Executive

Part I – Federal Executive
A –  The President of the Federation

Section 130 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the office of President

Section 131 of the 1999 ConstitutionQualification for election as President

Section 132 of the 1999 ConstitutionElection of the President: general

Section 133 of the 1999 ConstitutionElection: single presidential candidate

Section 134 of the 1999 ConstitutionElection: two or more presidential candidates

Section 135 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office of President

Section 136 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeath, etc. of president-elect before oath of office

Section 137 of the 1999 ConstitutionDisqualifications

Section 138 of the 1999 ConstitutionPresident: disqualification from other jobs

Section 139 of the 1999 ConstitutionDetermination of certain questions relating to election

Section 140 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of assets and liabilities; oaths of President

Section 141 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of office of Vice-President

Section 142 of the 1999 ConstitutionNomination and election of Vice-President

Section 143 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemoval of President from office

Section 144 of the 1999 ConstitutionPermanent incapacity of President or Vice-President

Section 145 of the 1999 ConstitutionActing President during temporary absence of President

Section 146 of the 1999 ConstitutionDischarge of functions of President

Section 147 of the 1999 ConstitutionMinisters of federal Government

Section 148 of the 1999 ConstitutionExecutive Responsibilities of Ministers

Section 149 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of Assets and liabilities; oaths of Ministers

Section 150 of the 1999 ConstitutionAttorney-General of the Federation

Section 151 of the 1999 ConstitutionSpecial Advisers

Section 152 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of assets and Liabilities; oaths of special Adviser

B – Establishment of Certain Federal Executive Bodies

Section 153 of the 1999 ConstitutionFederal Commissions and Councils, etc

Section 154 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Chairman and members

Section 155 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office of members

Section 156 of the 1999 ConstitutionQualification for membership

Section 157 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemoval of members

Section 158 of the 1999 ConstitutionIndependence of certain bodies

Section 159 of the 1999 ConstitutionQuorum and decisions

Section 160 of the 1999 ConstitutionPowers and Procedure

Section 161 of the 1999 ConstitutionInterpretation

C – Public Revenue

Section 162 of the 1999 ConstitutionDistributable pool account

Section 163 of the 1999 ConstitutionAllocation of other revenues

Section 164 of the 1999 ConstitutionFederal grants-in-aid of State revenue

Section 165 of the 1999 ConstitutionCost of collection of certain duties

Section 166 of the 1999 ConstitutionSet-off

Section 167 of the 1999 ConstitutionSums charged on consolidated Revenue Fund

Section 168 of the 1999 ConstitutionProvisions with regard to payments

D – The Public Service of the Federation

Section 169 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of civil service of the Federation

Section 170 of the 1999 ConstitutionFederal Civil service Commission: power to delegate functions

Section 171 of the 1999 ConstitutionPresidential appointments

Section 172 of the 1999 ConstitutionCode of Conduct

Section 173 of the 1999 ConstitutionProtection of pension rights

Section 174 of the 1999 Constitution Public persecutions

Section 175 of the 1999 ConstitutionPrerogative of mercy

Part II – State Executive
A – The Governor of a State

Section 176 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of office of Governor

Section 177 of the 1999 ConstitutionQualification for election as Governor

Section 178 of the 1999 ConstitutionElection of Governor: general

Section 179 of the 1999 ConstitutionElection: single candidate and two or more candidates

Section 180 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office of Governor

Section 181 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeath, etc. of Governor before oath of office

Section 182 of the 1999 ConstitutionDisqualifications

Section 183 of the 1999 ConstitutionGovernor: disqualification from other jobs

Section 184 of the 1999 ConstitutionDetermination of certain questions relating to elections

Section 185 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of assets and liabilities; oaths of office of Governor

Section 186 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the office of the Deputy Governor

Section 187 of the 1999 ConstitutionNomination and election of the Deputy Governor Governor

Section 188 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemoval of Governor or Deputy Governor from office

Section 189 of the 1999 ConstitutionPermanent incapacity of Governor or Deputy Governor

Section 190 of the 1999 ConstitutionActing governor during temporary absence of Governor

Section 191 of the 1999 ConstitutionDischarge of functions of Governor

Section 192 of the 1999 ConstitutionCommissioners of State Government

Section 193 of the 1999 ConstitutionExecutive responsibilities of Deputy Governor and Commissioners

Section 194 of the 1999 ConstitutionExecutive responsibilities of Deputy Governor and Commissioners

Section 195 of the 1999 ConstitutionAttorney-General of a State

B – Establishment of Certain State Executive Bodies

Section 196 of the 1999 ConstitutionSpecial Advisers

Section 197 of the 1999 ConstitutionState Commissioners

Section 198 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Chairman and members

Section 199 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office of the members

Section 200 of the 1999 ConstitutionQualification for membership

Section 201 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemoval of members

Section 202 of the 1999 ConstitutionIndependence of certain bodies

Section 203 of the 1999 ConstitutionQuorum and decisions

Section 204 of the 1999 ConstitutionPowers and procedure

Section 205 of the 1999 ConstitutionInterpretation

C – The Public Service of State

Section 206 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of State Civil Service

Section 207 of the 1999 ConstitutionState Civil Service Commission: Power of delegation

Section 208 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointments by Governor

Section 209 of the 1999 ConstitutionCode of Conduct

Section 210 of the 1999 ConstitutionProtection of pension rights

Section 211 of the 1999 ConstitutionPublic prosecutions

Section 212 of the 1999 ConstitutionPrerogative of mercy

Part III – Supplemental
A – National Population Census

Section 213 of the 1999 ConstitutionNational Population census

B – Nigeria Police Force

Section 214 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of Nigeria Police Force

Section 215 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of InspectorGeneral and control of Nigeria Police Force

Section 216 of the 1999 ConstitutionDelegation of powers to the Inspector-General of Police

C – Armed Forces of the Federation

Section 217 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment and composition of the armed force of the Federation

Section 218 of the 1999 Constitution Command and operational use

Section 219 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of body to ensure federal character of armed forces

Section 220 of the 1999 ConstitutionCompulsory military service

D – Political Parties

Section 221 of the 1999 Constitution –  Prohibition of political activities by certain associations

Section 222 of the 1999 ConstitutionRestrictions on formation of political parties

Section 223 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution and rules of political parties

Section 224 of the 1999 ConstitutionAims and objectives

Section 225 of the 1999 ConstitutionFinances of political parties

Section 226 of the 1999 ConstitutionAnnual reports on finances

Section 227 of the 1999 ConstitutionProhibition of quasi-military organisations

Section 228 of the 1999 ConstitutionPowers of the national assembly with respect to political parties

Section 229 of the 1999 ConstitutionInterpretation

Chapter VII – The Judicature

Part I – Federal Courts
A – The Supreme Court of Nigeria

Section 230 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the Supreme Court of Nigeria

Section 231 of the 1999 Constitution Appointment of Chief justices of Nigeria and justices of the Supreme Court

Section 232 of the 1999 ConstitutionOriginal jurisdiction

Section 233 of the 1999 Constitution Appellate jurisdiction

Section 234 of the 1999 Constitution Constitution

Section 235 of the 1999 ConstitutionFinality of determinations

Section 236 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and procedure

B – The Court of Appeal

Section 237 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of Court of Appeal

Section 238 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of President and Justices of the Court of Appeal

Section 239 of the 1999 ConstitutionOriginal jurisdiction

Section 240 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppellate jurisdiction

Section 241 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppeals as of rights from the Federal high Court or a High Court

Section 242 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppeals with leave

Section 243 of the 1999 ConstitutionExercise of the rights of appeal from the Federal High Court of a High Court in civil and criminal matters

Section 244 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppeals from Sharia court of Appeal

Section 245 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppeals from customary court of appeal

Section 246 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppeal from Code of Conduct Tribunal and other courts and tribunals

Section 247 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 248 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and procedure

C – The Federal High Court

Section 249 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the Federal  High Court

Section 250 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Chief Judge and Judges of the federal high Court

Section 251 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 252 of the 1999 ConstitutionPowers

Section 253 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 254 of the 1999 Constitution Practice and procedure

D – The High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 255 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 256 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Chief Judge and Judges of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 257 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 258 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 259 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and procedure

E – The Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 260 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 261 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Grand Kadi and Kadis of the Sharia Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 262 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 263 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 264 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and Procedure

F – The Customary Court of appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 265 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the Customary Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 266 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of President and Judges of Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 267 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 268 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 269 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and Procedure

Part II – State Courts
A – High Court of a State

Section 270 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of a High Court for each State

Section 271 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Chief Judge and Judges of the High Court of a State

Section 272 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 273 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 274 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and Procedure

B – Sharia Court of Appeal of a State

Section 275 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of Sharia Court of Appeal

Section 276 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of Grand Kadi and Kadis of the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State

Section 277 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 278 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 279 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and Procedure

C – Customary Court of Appeal of a State

Section 280 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of a Customary Court of Appeal

Section 281 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of President and Judges of the Customary Court of Appeal of a State

Section 282 of the 1999 ConstitutionJurisdiction

Section 283 of the 1999 ConstitutionConstitution

Section 284 of the 1999 ConstitutionPractice and Procedure

Part III – Election Tribunals

Section 285 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment and jurisdiction

Part IV – Supplemental

Section 286 of the 1999 Constitution Jurisdiction of state courts in respect of federal causes

Section 287 of the 1999 ConstitutionEnforcement of decisions

Section 288 of the 1999 ConstitutionAppointment of persons leaned in Islamic personal law and Customary law

Section 289 of the 1999 ConstitutionDisqualification of certain legal practitioners

Section 290 of the 1999 ConstitutionDeclaration of assets and liabilities: oaths of judicial officers

Section 291 of the 1999 ConstitutionTenure of office and pension rights of judicial officers

Section 292 of the 1999 ConstitutionRemoval of other judicial officers from office

Section 293 of the 1999 Constitution Vacancies

Section 294 of the 1999 ConstitutionDetermination of causes and matters

Section 295 of the 1999 ConstitutionReference of questions of law

Section 296 of the 1999 ConstitutionInterpretation

Chapter VIII – Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and General Supplementary Provisions

Part I – Federal Capital Territory, Abuja

Section 297 of the 1999 ConstitutionFederal Capital territory, Abuja: ownership of lands

Section 298 of the 1999 ConstitutionCapital of the federation

Section 299 of the 1999 ConstitutionApplication of Constitution

Section 300 of the 1999 ConstitutionRepresentation in the National Assembly

Section 301 of the 1999 ConstitutionAdaptation of certain references

Section 302 of the 1999 ConstitutionMinister of Federal Capital territory, Abuja

Section 303 of the 1999 ConstitutionAdministration of the Federal Capital territory, Abuja

Section 304 of the 1999 ConstitutionEstablishment of the Judicial Service Committee of the Federal Capital territory, Abuja

Part II – Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 305 of the 1999 ConstitutionProcedure for proclamation of state of emergency

Section 306 of the 1999 ConstitutionResignations

Section 307 of the 1999 ConstitutionRestriction on certain citizens

Section 308 of the 1999 ConstitutionRestrictions on legal proceedings

Part III – Transitional Provisions and Savings

Section 309 of the 1999 ConstitutionCitizenship

Section 310 of the 1999 ConstitutionStaff of legislative houses

Section 311 of the 1999 ConstitutionStanding Orders

Section 312 of the 1999 ConstitutionSpecial provisions in respect of first election

Section 313 of the 1999 ConstitutionSystem of revenue allocation

Section 314 of the 1999 ConstitutionDebts

Section 315 of the 1999 ConstitutionExisting law

Section 316 of the 1999 ConstitutionExisting offices, courts and authorities

Section 317 of the 1999 ConstitutionSuccession to property, rights, liabilities and obligations

Part IV – Interpretation, Citation and Commencement

Section 318 of the 1999 ConstitutionInterpretation

Section 319 of the 1999 ConstitutionCitation

Section 320 of the 1999 ConstitutionCommencement

Schedules to the Nigeria 1999 Constitution

First Schedule

Second Schedule

Third Schedule

Fourth Schedule

Fifth Schedule

Sixth Schedule

Seventh Schedule

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