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Home » Legal Parlance » Nigerian Penal Code Act

Nigerian Penal Code Act

Nigerian Penal Code (Northern States) Federal Provisions Act


Arrangement of Sections

Schedule: Arrangement Of Sections

Section 410-415 [CHAPTER XXVI: Offences against the State]

Section 410 Nigerian Penal Code ActTreason

Section 411 Nigerian Penal Code ActPunishment for treason

Section 412 Nigerian Penal Code ActTreasonable crimes

Section 413 Nigerian Penal Code ActInciting to mutiny

Section 414 Nigerian Penal Code ActCausing disaffection among soldiers, police or prison officers

Section 415 Nigerian Penal Code ActAssisting or allowing escape of prisoners of war

Section 416-422 [CHAPTER XXVII: Sedition]

Section 416 Nigerian Penal Code ActInciting disaffection to the Government

Section 417 Nigerian Penal Code ActExciting hatred between classes

See also  Section 423-425 Nigerian Penal Code Act

Section 418 Nigerian Penal Code ActPublication of false news with intent to cause offence against the public peace

Section 419 Nigerian Penal Code ActPossession of seditious articles

Section 420 Nigerian Penal Code ActPower to prohibit importation of publications

Section 421 Nigerian Penal Code ActPunishment for importation of prohibited publications

Section 422 Nigerian Penal Code ActUnlawful drilling

Section 423-425 [CHAPTER XXVIII: Customs offences]

Section 423 Nigerian Penal Code ActSmuggling or rescuing goods under arms

Section 424 Nigerian Penal Code ActSmuggling under arms or in disguise

Section 425 Nigerian Penal Code ActAssembling for the purpose of smuggling

Section 426-427 [CHAPTER XXIX: Offences relating to copyright]

Section 426 Nigerian Penal Code ActMaking or dealing in copies of copyright work

Section 427 Nigerian Penal Code ActBeing in possession of plate for making copies: giving unauthorised performances of copyright work

Section 428-431 [CHAPTER XXX: Offences relating to ships and wharves]

Section 428 Nigerian Penal Code ActDefinitions

Section 429 Nigerian Penal Code ActOffences relating to ships

Section 430 Nigerian Penal Code ActEntering ship or wharf without ticket

Section 431 Nigerian Penal Code ActInterfering with navigation works

Section 432-439 [CHAPTER XXXI: Offences relating to coin and notes]

Section 432 Nigerian Penal Code ActCoin and note defined

Section 433 Nigerian Penal Code ActCounterfeiting coin or notes

Section 434 Nigerian Penal Code ActMaking or selling instrument for counterfeiting coin or notes

Section 435 Nigerian Penal Code ActPossession of instrument or material for counterfeiting

See also  Section 428-431 Nigerian Penal Code Act

Section 436 Nigerian Penal Code ActImport or export of counterfeit coin or notes

Section 437 Nigerian Penal Code ActFraudulently diminishing weight or altering composition of coin

Section 438 Nigerian Penal Code ActDelivery of coin or note possessed with knowledge that it is counterfeit

Section 439 Nigerian Penal Code ActPossession of coin or note by person who knew it to be counterfeit when he became possessed thereof

Section 440-448 [CHAPTER XXXII: Offences relating to revenue stamps]

Section 440 Nigerian Penal Code ActRevenue stamp defined

Section 441 Nigerian Penal Code ActCounterfeiting revenue stamp

Section 442 Nigerian Penal Code ActHaving possession of instrument or material for counterfeiting revenue stamp

Section 443 Nigerian Penal Code ActMaking or selling instrument for counterfeiting revenue stamp

Section 444 Nigerian Penal Code ActImport, export, use or sale of counterfeit revenue stamps

Section 445 Nigerian Penal Code ActHaving possession of counterfeit revenue stamp

Section 446 Nigerian Penal Code ActEffacing writing from substance bearing revenue stamp, or removing from document a stamp used for it, with intent to cause loss

Section 447 Nigerian Penal Code ActUsing revenue stamp known to have been used before

Section 448 Nigerian Penal Code ActErasure of mark denoting that revenue stamp has been used

Section 449-452 [CHAPTER XXXIII: Offences relating to weights and measures]

Section 449 Nigerian Penal Code ActFraudulent use of false instrument for weighing

Section 450 Nigerian Penal Code ActFraudulent use of false weight or measure

Section 451 Nigerian Penal Code ActBeing in possession of false weight or measure

See also  Arrangements of Sections (Nigerian Penal Code Act)

Section 452 Nigerian Penal Code ActMaking or selling false weight or measure

Section 453-468 [CHAPTER XXXIV: Offences relating to posts and telecommunications]

Section 453 Nigerian Penal Code ActDefinitions

Section 454 Nigerian Penal Code ActPaper and dies for postage stamps

Section 455 Nigerian Penal Code ActPaper for postal purposes

Section 456 Nigerian Penal Code ActStopping mails

Section 457 Nigerian Penal Code ActIntercepting telegrams or postal matter

Section 458 Nigerian Penal Code ActMisdelivery of postal matter

Section 459 Nigerian Penal Code ActRetarding delivery of postal matter

Section 460 Nigerian Penal Code ActFraudulently removing stamps

Section 461 Nigerian Penal Code ActFraudulent evasion of postal laws

Section 462 Nigerian Penal Code ActUnlawful franking of letters

Section 463 Nigerian Penal Code ActSending dangerous or obscene things by post

Section 464 Nigerian Penal Code ActIllegally setting up of post office

Section 465 Nigerian Penal Code ActDamaging post office, etc.

Section 466 Nigerian Penal Code ActPlacing injurious substances in or against letter box

Section 467 Nigerian Penal Code ActInterference with telecommunications

Section 468 Nigerian Penal Code ActNegligently injuring telecommunications

Section 469-473 [CHAPTER XXXV: Offences relating to railways and aircraft]

Section 469 Nigerian Penal Code ActIntentionally endangering safety of persons travelling by railway

Section 470 Nigerian Penal Code ActObstructing and injuring railways

Section 471 Nigerian Penal Code ActDamage to railway works

Section 472 Nigerian Penal Code ActObstructing aircraft

Section 473 Nigerian Penal Code ActTrespass on aerodrome

Section 474-475 [CHAPTER XXXVI: Offences relating to mines and minerals]

Section 474 Nigerian Penal Code ActFraudulently dealing with minerals in mines

Section 475 Nigerian Penal Code ActAttempt to injure mines

Section 476-477 [CHAPTER XXXVII: Deportation and passports]

Section 476 Nigerian Penal Code ActDeportation of non-citizens of Nigeria

Section 477 Nigerian Penal Code ActFalse statements in application for passports

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