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Insolvency And Bankruptcy Board Of India [IBBI] – Gourav Pasayat

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India

Insolvency And Bankruptcy Board Of India [IBBI] Insolvency and bankruptcy code was established on 2016. IBC was introduced to resolve financial problems of company, organizations and individuals. IBC have four pillars and through these pillars the corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP) executed.  These pillars are – INSOLVENCY PROFESSIONALS (IP), INFORMATION UTILITIS (IU), ADJUDICATING AUTHORITY (AA) […]

Child Labour: Exploring the Causes and Solutions in India – Agam Ravinder Lamba

Child Labour: Exploring the Causes and Solutions

Child Labour: Exploring the Causes, Solutions with various Child labour laws and Case laws The term “child labour” has been defined as work that deprives children of their youth, potential, and dignity, and is destructive to their physical and mental development. [1] The International Labour Organization (ILO) established the World Day against Child Labor in […]

Digital Evidence and the Indian Evidence Act 1872 – Rakshit Sharma

Digital evidence in the Indian Evidence Act 1872

Digital Evidence and the Indian Evidence Act 1872: Exploring the Challenges and Adaptations Needed in the Indian Legal System to Handle Digital Evidence in the Context of the Indian Evidence Act Abstract How evidence is gathered, presented, and decided upon in court has been revolutionised by the rise of digital technology. The Indian Evidence Act […]

Exploring the Legal Framework for Drone Tech and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – Rakshit Sharma

drone tech UAV legal framework

Exploring the Legal Framework for Drone Technology and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) This article is particular to India INTRODUCTION Drones, also referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have revolutionised many industries and are becoming more ubiquitous in India. Drones offer a huge amount of promise for innovation and efficiency in a variety of applications, including aerial […]

Patent Trolls: Understanding and Dealing with the Threats to Intellectual Property Rights – Rakshit Sharma

Patent troll

Patent Trolls: Understanding and Dealing with the Threats to Intellectual Property Rights In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, innovation and creativity are key drivers of economic growth and prosperity. But for many inventors, entrepreneurs, and businesses, that creativity is being threatened by a new type of predator: Patent trolls. These companies, often with no products […]

Theories of ownership and comparison with possession – Singh & Pachauri

Ownership and possession

Theories of ownership and comparison with possession Possession and ownership are rights accruing on property, but ownership in essence is a greater right than possession. Possession is only an objective realisation of ownership. This article is particular to INDIA. Introduction Ownership is a legal concept that refers to the legal right of an individual or […]

Negotiation Dynamics: Understanding the Interplay between Communication, Power, and Influence – Chenna & Manoj

Negotiation Dynamics

Negotiation Dynamics: Understanding the Interplay between Communication, Power, and Influence I. Introduction A. Background information on negotiation and its importance in business and personal relationships Introduction Negotiation is the process of reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement between two or more parties who have competing interests. Negotiation is an essential skill in both personal and business […]

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