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Home » India » Indian Divorce Act 1869 » Section 59 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 59 Indian Divorce Act 1869

Section 59 Indian Divorce Act

Section 59 of the Indian Divorce Act 1869 is about English Minister refusing to perform ceremony to permit use of his Church. It is under CHAPTER XIII (RE-MARRIAGE) of the Act.

English Minister refusing to perform ceremony to permit use of his Church

When any Minister of any Church or Chapel of the said 1 *** Church refuses to perform such marriage-service between any persons who but for such refusal would be entitled to have the same service performed in such Church or Chapel, such Minister shall permit any other Minister in Holy Orders of the said Church, entitled to officiate within the diocese in which such Church or Chapel is situate, to perform such marriage-service in such Church or Chapel.

See also  Section 8 Indian Divorce Act 1869

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