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Home » India » Indian Penal Code 1860 » Section 268 Indian Penal Code (IPC) 1860

Section 268 Indian Penal Code (IPC) 1860

Section 268 Indian Penal Code

Section 268 of the Indian Penal Code 1860 is about Public nuisance. It is under CHAPTER XIV (OF OFFENCES AFFECTING THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY, CONVENIENCE, DECENCYAND MORALS) of the Code.

Public nuisance

A person is guilty of a public nuisance who does any act or is guilty of an illegal omission which causes any common injury, danger or annoyance to the public or to the people in general who dwell or occupy property in the vicinity, or which must necessarily cause injury, obstruction, danger or annoyance to persons who may have occasion to use any public right.

A common nuisance is not excused on the ground that it causes some convenience or advantage.

See also  Section 55 Indian Penal Code (IPC) 1860

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