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Home » United States » California » Article XIX Section 5 California Constitution – Motor Vehicle Revenues

Article XIX Section 5 California Constitution – Motor Vehicle Revenues

Article XIX Section 5 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XIX Section 5 of the California Constitution

Revenues allocated pursuant to Section 4 may not be expended for the purposes specified in subdivision (b) of Section 2, except for research and planning, until such use is approved by a majority of the votes cast on the proposition authorizing such use of such revenues in an election held throughout the county or counties, or a specified area of a county or counties, within which the revenues are to be expended. The Legislature may authorize the revenues approved for allocation or expenditure under this section to be pledged or used for the payment of principal and interest on voter-approved bonds issued for the purposes specified in subdivision (b) of Section 2.

See also: Article XIX Section 4 California Constitution

See also  Article XII Section 8 California Constitution - Public Utilities

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