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Home » United States » California » Article XA Section 2 California Constitution – Water Resources Development

Article XA Section 2 California Constitution – Water Resources Development

Article XA Section 2 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article XA Section 2 of the California Constitution 

No statute amending or repealing, or adding to, the provisions of the statute enacted by Senate Bill No. 200 of the 1979-80 Regular Session of the Legislature which specify (1) the manner in which the State will protect fish and wildlife resources in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Suisun Marsh, and San Francisco Bay system westerly of the delta; (2) the manner in which the State will protect existing water rights in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta; and (3) the manner in which the State will operate the State Water Resources Development System to comply with water quality standards and water quality control plans, shall become effective unless approved by the electors in the same manner as statutes amending initiative statutes are approved; except that the Legislature may, by statute passed in each house by roll call vote entered in the journal, two-thirds of the membership concurring, amend or repeal, or add to, these provisions if the statute does not in any manner reduce the protection of the delta or fish and wildlife.

See also: Article XA Section 1 California Constitution

See also  Article XX Section 2 California Constitution - Miscellaneous Subjects

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