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Home » United States » Florida » Article IV Section 9 Florida Constitution – Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Article IV Section 9 Florida Constitution – Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Article IV Section 9 Florida Constitution

Article IV Section 9 Florida Constitution is about the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Article IV is titled Executive, it has 13 sections.

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

There shall be a fish and wildlife conservation commission, composed of seven members appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate for staggered terms of five years. The commission shall exercise the regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to wild animal life and fresh water aquatic life, and shall also exercise regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to marine life, except that all license fees for taking wild animal life, fresh water aquatic life, and marine life and penalties for violating regulations of the commission shall be prescribed by general law. The commission shall establish procedures to ensure adequate due process in the exercise of its regulatory and executive functions. The legislature may enact laws in aid of the commission, not inconsistent with this section, except that there shall be no special law or general law of local application pertaining to hunting or fishing. The commission’s exercise of executive powers in the area of planning, budgeting, personnel management, and purchasing shall be as provided by law. Revenue derived from license fees for the taking of wild animal life and fresh water aquatic life shall be appropriated to the commission by the legislature for the purposes of management, protection, and conservation of wild animal life and fresh water aquatic life. Revenue derived from license fees relating to marine life shall be appropriated by the legislature for the purposes of management, protection, and conservation of marine life as provided by law. The commission shall not be a unit of any other state agency and shall have its own staff, which includes management, research, and enforcement. Unless provided by general law, the commission shall have no authority to regulate matters relating to air and water pollution.

See also  Article XI Section 2 Florida Constitution - Proposal by Legislature

See also: Article IV Section 8 Florida Constitution

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