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Home » United States » California » Article IV Section 21 California Constitution – Legislative

Article IV Section 21 California Constitution – Legislative

Article IV Section 21 California Constitution

Below is the content of Article IV Section 21 of the California Constitution 

To meet the needs resulting from war-caused or enemy-caused disaster in California, the Legislature may provide for:

(a) Filling the offices of members of the Legislature should at least one fifth of the membership of either house be killed, missing, or disabled, until they are able to perform their duties or successors are elected.

(b) Filling the office of Governor should the Governor be killed, missing, or disabled, until the Governor or the successor designated in this Constitution is able to perform the duties of the office of Governor or a successor is elected.

(c) Convening the Legislature.

(d) Holding elections to fill offices that are elective under this Constitution and that are either vacant or occupied by persons not elected thereto.

(e) Selecting a temporary seat of state or county government.

See also: Article IV Section 20 California Constitution

See also  Article IV Section 20 California Constitution - Legislative

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