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Article III Section 4 Pennsylvania Constitution – Consideration of Bills

Article III Section 4 Pennsylvania Constitution

Article III Section 4 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is about Consideration of Bills. Article III is titled Legislation, it has 32 sections.

Consideration of Bills

Every bill shall be considered on three different days in each House. All amendments made thereto shall be printed for the use of the members before the final vote is taken on the bill and before the final vote is taken, upon written request addressed to the presiding officer of either House by at least twenty-five percent of the members elected to that House, any bill shall be read at length in that House. No bill shall become a law, unless on its final passage the vote is taken by yeas and nays, the names of the persons voting for and against it are entered on the journal, and a majority of the members elected to each House is recorded thereon as voting in its favor.

See also: Article III Section 3 Pennsylvania Constitution

See also  Article I Section 8 Pennsylvania Constitution - Security From Searches and Seizures

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