United Nations Security Council Resolution 608 – Territories occupied by Israel
Resolution 608 (1988) of 14 January 1988
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolution 607 (1988) of 5 January 1988,
Expressing its deep regret that Israel, the occupying Power, has, in defiance of that resolution, deported Palestinian civilians,
- Calls upon Israel to rescind the order to deport Palestinian civilians and to ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied Palestinian territories of those already deported;
2. Requests that Israel desist forthwith fro ing any other Palestinian civilians from the territories; DC p. 1/1
3. Decides to keep the situation in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, under review.
Adopted at the 2781st meeting by 14 votes to none, with 1 abstention (United States of America).
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