United Nations Security Council Resolution 48 – The Palestine Question
48 (1948). Resolution of 23 April 1948
The Security Council,
Referring to its resolution 46 ( 1948) of 17 April 1948 calling upon all parties concemed to comply with specific terms for a truce in Palestine,
Establishes a Truce Commission for Palestine com-posed of representatives of those members of the Security Council which have career consular officers in Jerusalem, noting, however, that the representative of Syria has indicated that his Govemment is not prepared to serve on the Commission. The fonction of the Commission shall be to assist the Security Council in supervising the implementation by the parties of its resolution 46 (1948) ;
Requests the Commission to report to the President of the Security Council within four days regarding its activities and the development of the situation, and subsequently to keep the Security Council currently informed with respect thereto.
The Commission, its members, their assistants and its personnel shall be entitled to travel, separately or together, wherever the Commission deems necessary ta carry out its tasks.
The Secretary-General shall fumish the Commission with such personnel and assistance as it may require, taking iota account the special urgency of the situation with respect ta Palestine.
Adopted at the 287th meeting by 8 votes to none, with 3 abstentions (Colombia, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
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