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United Nations Security Council Resolution 46 – The Palestine Question

United Nations Security Council Resolution 46 – The Palestine Question

46 (1948). Resolution of 17 April 1948

The Security Council,

Considering its resolution 43 (1948) of 1 April 1948 and the conversations held by its President with the representatives of the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee with a view to arranging a truce between Arabs and Jews in Palestine,

Considering that, as stated in that resolution, it is of the utmost urgency to bring about the immediate cessation of acts of violence in Palestine and to establish conditions of peace and order in that country, Considering that the United Kingdom Government, so long as it remains the Mandatory Power, is re-sponsible for the maintenance of peace and order in Palestine and should continue to take all steps neces-sary to that end ; and that, in so doing, it should receive the co-operation and support of the Security Council in particular as well as of all the Members of the United Nations,

  1. Calls upon all persons and organizations in Palestine, and especially upon the Arab Higher Com-mittee and the Jewish Agency, to take immediately, without prejudice to their rights, claims, or positions, and as a contribution to the well-being and permanent interests of Palestine, the following measures:

(a) Cease all activities of a military or paramilitary nature, as well as acts of violence, terrorism and sabotage;

(b) Refrain from bringing and from assisting and encouraging the entry into Palestine of armed bands and fighting personnel, groups and individuals, what-ever their origin;

(c) Refrain from importing or acquiring or assisting or encouraging the importation or acquisition of weapons and war materials;

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(d) Refrain, pending further consideration of the future government of Palestine by the General Assembly, from any political activity which might prejudice the rights, claims, or position of either community;

(e) Co-operate with the Mandatory authorities for the effective maintenance of law and order and of essential services, particularly those relating to trans-portation, communications, health, and food and water supplies;

(f) Refrain from any action which will endanger the safety of the Holy Places in Palestine and from any action which would interfere with access to all shrines and sanctuaries for the purpose of worship by those who have an established right to visit and worship at them;

2. Requests the United Kingdom Government, for so long as it remains the Mandatory Power, to use its best efforts to bring all those concerned in Palestine to accept the measures set forth under paragraph 1 above and, subject to retaining the freedom of action of its own forces, to supervise the execution of these measures by all those concerned, and to keep the Security Council and the General Assembly currently informed on the situation in Palestine;

3. Calls upon all Governments, and particularly those of the countries neighbouring Palestine, to take all possible steps to assist in the implementation of the measures £et out under paragraph l above, and particularly those referring to the entry into Palestine of armed bands and fighting personnel, groups and individuals, and weapons and war materials.

Adopted at the 283rd meeting by 9 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socia-list Republics).

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