United Nations Security Council Resolution 350 – Israel-Syrian Arab Republic
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ToggleResolution 350 ( 1974) of 31 l
May 1974
The Security Council,
Having considered the report of the Secretary-Gen-eral contained in documents S/ 11302 and Add. I, and having heard his statement made at the 1773rd meeting of the Security Council,
- Welcomes the Agreement on Disengagement be-tween Israeli and Syrian Forces, negotiated in imple-mentation of Security Council resolution 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973;
2. Takes note of the Sceretary-Ge-neral’s report and the annexes thereto and his statement;
3. Decides to set up immediately under its authority a United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, and requests the Sevretary-Gcneral to take the necessary steps to this effect in accordance with his above-mentioned report and the annexes thereto; the Force shall be established for an initial period of six months, subject to renewal by further resolution of the Security Council;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Se-curity Council fully informed of further developments.
Adopted at the 1774th meeting by 13 votes to none.