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United Nations Security Council Resolution 265 – Middle East

United Nations Security Council Resolution 265 – Middle East

Resolution 265 (1969) of I April 1969

The Security Council,

Having considered the agenda contained in document S/ Agenda/ 1466/Rev.1,

Having heard the statements made before the Council,

Recalling its resolution 236 (196 7) of 12 June 17,

Observing that numerous premeditated violations of the cease-fire have occurred,

Viewing with deep concern that the recent air Attacks on Jonbnian villages and other populated areas were of a pre-planned nature, in violation of resolutions 248 (1968) of 24 March 1968 and 256 (1968) of 16 August 1968,

Gravely concerned about the deteriorating situation which endangers people and security in the area,

1. Reaffirms resolutions 248 ( 1968) and 256 (1968);

2. Deplores the loss of civilian life and damage to property;

3. Condemns the recent premeditated air attacks launched by Israel on Jordanian villages and populated areas in flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and the cease-fire resolutions, and warns once again that if such attacks were to he repeated the Security Council would have to meet to consider further and more effective steps as envisaged in the Charter to ensure against repetition of such attacks.

Adopted at the 1473rd meeting by 11 votes to none, with 4 abstentions (Colombia, Paraguay, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America).

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