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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1484 – Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1484 – Democratic Republic of the Congo

Resolution 1484 (2003)

The Security Council,

Recalling its previous resolutions and statements by its President on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in particular the statement of 16 May 2003(S/PRST/2003/6),

Determined to promote the peace process at the national level, and in particular to facilitate the early establishment of an inclusive transitional government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,

Expressing its utmost concern at the fighting and atrocities in Ituri, as well asthe gravity of the humanitarian situation in the town of Bunia,

Reaffirming its full support for the political process initiated by the Ituri Pacification Commission, calling for its swift resumption and for the establishment of an effective inclusive security mechanism in this framework, to complement andsupport the existing Ituri Interim administration,

Recognizing the urgent need for a secure base to allow the full functioning ofthe institutions of the Ituri Interim Administration, and recognizing that the Engagement to Relaunch the Ituri pacification process, signed in Dar es Salaam on16 May 2003, reaffirms the Ituri parties’ commitment to the Ituri Interim Administration, and commits them to join a process of cantonment and demilitarization,

Commending the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) for its efforts in order to stabilize the situation in Bunia and to support the political process in Ituri, in particular the effective performance of its Uruguayan contingent deployed there, recognizing the need to support the work of MONUC in the field, and deploring attacks on MONUC and consequent loss of life,

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Taking note of the request of the Secretary-General to the Council in his letter dated 15 May 2003 (S/2003/574) and taking note also of the support for this request expressed in the letter to the Secretary-General from the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and also by the Ituri parties on 16 May 2003 in Dar esSalaam, as well as the support expressed in the letters to the Secretary-General fromthe President of Rwanda and from the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Uganda, as requested by the Secretary-General, for the deployment of a multinational force in Bunia,

Determining that the situation in the Ituri region and in Bunia in particular constitutes a threat to the peace process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to the peace and security in the Great Lakes region,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

  1. Authorizes the deployment until 1 September 2003 of an InterimEmergency Multinational Force in Bunia in close coordination with MONUC, in particular its contingent currently deployed in the town, to contribute to thestabilization of the security conditions and the improvement of the humanitariansituation in Bunia, to ensure the protection of the airport, the internally displacedpersons in the camps in Bunia and, if the situation requires it, to contribute to thesafety of the civilian population, United Nations personnel and the humanitarianpresence in the town;

2. Stresses that this Interim Emergency Multinational Force is to be deployed on a strictly temporary basis to allow the Secretary-General to reinforceMONUC’s presence in Bunia and in this regard, authorizes the Secretary-General todeploy, within the overall authorized MONUC ceiling, of a reinforced UnitedNations presence to Bunia, and requests him to do so by mid-August 2003;

3. Calls on Member States to contribute personnel, equipment and othernecessary financial and logistic resources to the multinational force and invitescontributing Member States to inform the leadership of the force and the Secretary-General;

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4. Authorizes the Member States participating in the Interim EmergencyMultinational Force in Bunia to take all necessary measures to fulfil its mandate;

5. Demands that all the parties to the conflict in Ituri and in particular inBunia cease hostilities immediately and reiterates that international humanitarianlaw must be respected, and that there will be no impunity for violators;

6. Strongly condemns the deliberate killing of unarmed MONUC personnel and staff of humanitarian organizations in Ituri and demands that the perpetrators be brought to justice;

7. Demands that all Congolese parties and all States in the Great Lakes region respect human rights, cooperate with the Interim Emergency MultinationalForce and with MONUC in the stabilization of the situation in Bunia and provideassistance as appropriate, that they provide full freedom of movement to the Force,and that they refrain from any military activity or from any activity that couldfurther destabilize the situation in Ituri, and in this regard, demands also thecessation of all support, in particular weapons and any other military materiel, to thearmed groups and militias, and further demands that all Congolese parties and allStates in the region actively prevent the supply of such support;

8. Calls on all Member States and in particular those in the Great Lakes region to provide all necessary support to facilitate the swift deployment in Bunia ofthe Interim Emergency Multinational Force;

9. Requests the leadership of the Interim Emergency Multinational Force in Bunia to report regularly to the Council through the Secretary-General, on theimplementation of its mandate;

10. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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Adopted by the Security Council at its 4764th meeting, on 30 May 2003.

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