Section 26-27 Constitution of South Africa 1996
Table of Contents
ToggleSection 26 and 27 of the Constitution of South Africa 1996 (as amended) are titled Housing and Health care, food, water and social security, respectively. They are under Chapter 2 of the Constitution. Chapter 2 is titled ‘Bill of Rights‘.
Section 26 Constitution of South Africa 1996
1. Everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing.
2. The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of this right.
3. No one may be evicted from their home, or have their home demolished, without an order of court made after considering all the relevant circumstances. No legislation may permit arbitrary evictions.
Section 27 Constitution of South Africa 1996
Health care, food, water and social security
1. Everyone has the right to have access to
a. health care services, including reproductive health care;
b. sufficient food and water; and
c. social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants, appropriate social assistance.
2. The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of each of these rights.
3. No one may be refused emergency medical treatment.
See also: