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Section 10 Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) 2021

Section 10 Petroleum Industry Act 2021

Section 10 Petroleum Industry Act 2021 is about Powers of the Commission. It is under Part III (The Commission) of Chapter 1 (Governance and Institutions) of the Act.

The Commission shall have power to–
(a) enforce the provisions of m1y-
(i) regulation made with respect to upstream petroleum operations,
(ii) regulations, policies or guidelines formerly administered by the Department of Petroleum Resources or the Petroleum Inspectorate, with respect to upstream petroleum operations, and
(iii) enactments with respect tot he upstream petroleum industry made prior to the coming into force of this Act and any regulations made pursuant to powers given un der them :

(b) seal up any premises, under section 217 of this Act, including any facility or plant engaged in upstream petroleum operations, where there has been a contravention of this Act or any regulations made under this Act ;
(c) ensure compliance with the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act and such other legislative provisions as may be applicable in upstream petroleum operations;
(d) set standards to promote the adoption of new technologies for upstream petroleum operations;
(e) require lessees, licensees and permit holders to publish specified and non-proprietary information relating to upstream petroleum operations;

(f) issue guidelines in accordance with the provisions of this Act or any regulation in respect of upstream petroleu m operations;
(g) recommend to the Minister the revocation or suspension of licences or leases in accordance with this Act and approve renewal of leases;

(h) with in the jurisdiction of the Commission, have access to-
(i) areas or rights of way regarding licences, leases or any related offices or buiIdings where information or data are available for inspection under this Act; and
(ii) all installations to which this Act applies, including plants and stations of every description, for the purpose of inspecting the operations conducted therein and enforcing the provisions of this Act and any
regulations made under it;

(i) impose on a petroleum prospecting licence, petroleum exploration licence or any petroleum mining lease to which this Act applies, special terms and conditions consistent with this Act at the grant or renewal of the
licence or lease ;
(j) renew licenses and leases st1bjectto the provisions of this Act; and
(k) do such other things as are necessary and expedient for the effective and discharge of any of its functions under this Act.

See also  Section 101 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (Updated)

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