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Home » WACA Cases » Asobari Harry Horsfall & Ors V. Ikiribo Fred George Amachree & Ors (1938) LJR-WACA

Asobari Harry Horsfall & Ors V. Ikiribo Fred George Amachree & Ors (1938) LJR-WACA

Asobari Harry Horsfall & Ors V. Ikiribo Fred George Amachree & Ors (1938)

LawGlobal Hub Judgment Report – West African Court of Appeal

Jurisdiction of Magistrate’s Court—Land Case transferred by Resident—Section 32 of Protectorate Courts Ordinance, 1933.

Held : Magistrate’s Court is not exercising original jurisdiction.

Parties not present.

The following question was put to the Court :—

” Where a Resident in the exercise of his appellate jurisdiction under section 27 of the Native Courts Ordinance makes an Order under section 36 (1) (b) that a suit which raises an issue as to the title to land or any interest therein be re-heard before a Magistrate’s Court, has the Magistrate jurisdiction to hear the suit, having regard to section 32 of the Protectorate Courts Ordinance?”

The following joint opinion was delivered :—


We are of opinion that in re-hearing a suit under an order made by a Resident in his appellate jurisdiction a Magistrate’s Court is not exercising original jurisdiction. The answer to the question submitted to the Court is, therefore, in the affirmative.

See also  Samuel Tawiah Intsiful V. Henry Charles Christianalias Kofi Ampah (1951) LJR-WACA

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