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Home » United States » Florida » Article III Section 7 Florida Constitution – Passage of Bills

Article III Section 7 Florida Constitution – Passage of Bills

Article III Section 7 Florida Constitution

Article III Section 7 Florida Constitution is about Passage of Bills. Article III is titled Legislature, it has twenty-one sections.

Passage of Bills

Any bill may originate in either house and after passage in one may be amended in the other. It shall be read in each house on three separate days, unless this rule is waived by two-thirds vote; provided the publication of its title in the journal of a house shall satisfy the requirement for the first reading in that house. On each reading, it shall be read by title only, unless one-third of the members present desire it read in full. On final passage, the vote of each member voting shall be entered on the journal. Passage of a bill shall require a majority vote in each house. Each bill and joint resolution passed in both houses shall be signed by the presiding officers of the respective houses and by the secretary of the senate and the clerk of the house of representatives during the session or as soon as practicable after its adjournment sine die.

See also: Article III Section 6 Florida Constitution

See also  Article XII Section 2 Florida Constitution - Property Taxes; Millages

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