3 U.S. Code § 401
3 U.S. Code § 401 is about Definitions. It is under Subchapter 1 (General Provisions) of Chapter 5 (Extension Of Certain Rights And Protections To Presidential Offices) of Title 3 (The President) of the Code.
(a) In General.—Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, as used in this chapter:
(1) Board.—The term “Board” means the Merit Systems Protection Board under chapter 12 of title 5.
(3) Employee.—The term “employee” includes an applicant for employment and a former employee.
(4) Employing office.—The term “employing office” means—
(A)each office, agency, or other component of the Executive Office of the President;
(B)the Executive Residence at the White House; and(C)the official residence (temporary or otherwise) of the Vice President.
(b)Definitions Relating to Certain Matters.—For purposes of applying this chapter with respect to any practice or other matter—
(1)to which section 411 relates, the terms “employing office” and “covered employee” shall each be considered to have the meaning given to the term by such section;
(2)to which section 412 relates, the term “covered employee” means a covered employee described in section 412(a)(2)(B);
(3)to which section 413 relates, the term “covered employee” excludes interns and volunteers, as described in section 413(a)(2); and
(4)to which section 416 relates, the term “covered employee” means a covered employee described in section 416(a)(2).
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