LawGlobal Hub

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1492 – Sierra Leone

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1492 – Sierra Leone Resolution 1492 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and the statements of its President concerning the situation in Sierra Leone, Recognizing the continuing fragile security situation in the Mano River region,particularly the conflict in Liberia and the need to strengthen further the capacity ofthe […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1491 – Bosnia and Herzegovina

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1491 – Bosnia and Herzegovina Resolution 1491 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions concerning the conflicts in theformer Yugoslavia and relevant statements of its President, including resolutions1031 (1995) of 15 December 1995, 1088 (1996) of 12 December 1996 and 1423(2002) of 12 July 2002, Reaffirming its […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1490 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1490 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait Resolution 1490 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, including resolutions 687 (1991) of3 April 1991, 689 (1991) of 9 April 1991, 806 (1993) of 5 February 1993, 833 (1993) of27 May 1993 and 1483 (2003) of 22 May 2003, […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1489 – Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1489 – Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolution 1489 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling its resolution 1291 (2000) and other relevant resolutions relating to the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, especially resolutions 1468and 1484, Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity andpolitical independence of the Democratic […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1488 – Middle East

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1488 – Middle East Resolution 1488 (2003) The Security Council, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force of 18 June 2003 (S/2003/655), and also reaffirming its resolution 1308 (2000) of 17 July 2000, 2. Decides to renew the mandate of the United Nations […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1487 – United Nations peacekeeping

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1487 – United Nations peacekeeping Resolution 1487 (2003) The Security Council, Taking note of the entry into force on 1 July 2002, of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), done at Rome 17 July 1998 (the Rome Statute), Emphasizing the importance to international peace and security of United […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1486 – Cyprus

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1486 – Cyprus Resolution 1486 (2003) The Security Council, Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 27 May 2003 (S/2003/572)on the United Nations operation in Cyprus, and in particular the call to the parties to assess and address the humanitarian issue of missing persons with due urgency and seriousness, Noting […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1485 – Western Sahara

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1485 – Western Sahara Resolution 1485 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous resolutions on Western Sahara, in particular resolution 1429 (2002) of 31 July 2002, Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General of 23 May 2003(S/2003/565), Commending the work of the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Western Sahara, […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1484 – Democratic Republic of the Congo

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1484 – Democratic Republic of the Congo Resolution 1484 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling its previous resolutions and statements by its President on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in particular the statement of 16 May 2003(S/PRST/2003/6), Determined to promote the peace process at the national level, and in particular […]

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait Resolution 1483 (2003) The Security Council, Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, Reaffirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, Reaffirming also the importance of the disarmament of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and of eventual confirmation of the disarmament of Iraq, Stressing […]