Home » United States » 2 U.S. Code § 2064: Senate Employee Child Care Center employee benefits

2 U.S. Code § 2064: Senate Employee Child Care Center employee benefits

2 U.S. Code § 2064 is about Senate Employee Child Care Center employee benefits. It is under Subchapter IV (Child Care) of Chapter 30 (Operation and Maintenance of Capitol Complex) of Title 2 (The Congress) of the Code.

(a)Election for coverage
The provisions of this section shall apply to any individual who—
(A)on October 6, 1992, is employed by the Senate day care center (known as the “Senate Employee Child Care Center”) established pursuant to Senate Resolution 269, Ninety-eighth Congress, and section 2061 of this title; and
(B)makes an election to be covered by this section with the Secretary of the Senate, no later than 60 days after October 6, 1992; or

(2)is hired by the Center after October 6, 1992, and makes an election to be covered by this section with the Secretary of the Senate, no later than 60 days after the date such individual begins employment.

(b) Payment of deposit; payroll deduction
(1)Any individual described under subsection (a) may be credited,[1] under section 8411 of title 5 for service as an employee of the Senate day care center before January 1, 1993, if such employee makes a payment of the deposit under section 8411(f)(2) of such title without application of the provisions of section 8411(b)(3) of such title.

(2) An individual described under subsection (a) shall be credited under section 8411 of title 5 for any service as an employee of the Senate day care center on or after October 6, 1992, if such employee has such amounts deducted and withheld from his pay as determined by the Office of Personnel Management (in accordance with regulations prescribed by such Office subject to subsection (h) of this section) which would be deducted and withheld from the basic pay of an employee under section 8422 of title 5.

(c) Survivor annuities and disability benefits
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any service performed by an individual described under subsection (a) as an employee of the Senate day care center is deemed to be civilian service creditable under section 8411 of title 5 for purposes of qualifying for survivor annuities and disability benefits under subchapters IV and V of chapter 84 of such title, if such individual makes payment of an amount, determined by the Office of Personnel Management, which would have been deducted and withheld from the basic pay of such individual if such individual had been an employee subject to section 8422 of title 5 for such period so credited, together with interest thereon.

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(d) Participation in Thrift Savings Plan
An individual described under subsection (a) shall be deemed a congressional employee for purposes of chapter 84 of title 5 including subchapter III thereof and may make contributions under section 8432 of such title effective for the first applicable pay period beginning on or after October 6, 1992.

(e) Life insurance coverage
An individual described under subsection (a) shall be deemed an employee under section 8701(a)(3) of title 5 for purposes of life insurance coverage under chapter 87 of such title.

(f) Government contributions
Government contributions for individuals receiving benefits under this section, as computed under sections 8423, 8432, and 8708,[2] shall be made by the Secretary of the Senate from the appropriations account, within the contingent fund of the Senate, “Miscellaneous Items”.

(g) Certification of creditable service
The Office of Personnel Management shall accept the certification of the Secretary of the Senate concerning creditable service for the purpose of this section.

(h) Payment to center of amounts equal to Federal tax on employers
(1)Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Secretary of the Senate shall pay such amounts to the Senate day care center equal to the tax on employers under section 3111 of title 26 with respect to each employee of the Senate day care center. Such payments shall be made from the appropriations account, within the contingent fund of the Senate, “Miscellaneous Items”.

(2)The Senate day care center shall provide appropriate documentation to the Secretary of the Senate of payment by such center of the tax described under paragraph (1), before the Secretary of the Senate may pay any amount to such center as provided under paragraph (1).

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(i) Administrative provisions
The Center shall—
(1)consult with the Secretary of the Senate on the administration of this section;

(2)maintain records on all employees covered under this section in such manner as the Secretary of the Senate may require for administrative purposes;

(3)make deductions and withholdings from the pay of employees in the amounts determined under sections 8422, 8432, and 8707 of title 5; and

(4)transmit such deductions and withholdings to the Secretary of the Senate for deposit and remittance to the Office of Personnel Management.

The Office of Personnel Management may prescribe regulations to carry out the provisions of this section.

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