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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1538 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1538 – Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

Resolution 1538 (2004)

The Security Council,

Expressing the desire to see a full and fair investigation of efforts by theformer Government of Iraq, including through bribery, kickbacks, surcharges on oilsales, and illicit payments in regard to purchases of humanitarian goods, to evadethe provisions of resolution 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990 and subsequent relevantresolutions,

Concerned by public news reports and commentaries that have called intoquestion the administration and management of the Oil-for-food Programme(hereinafter the Programme) established pursuant to resolution 986 (1995) of 14April 1995 and subsequent relevant resolutions, including allegations of fraud andcorruption,

Affirming that any illicit activity by United Nations officials, personnel andagents, as well as contractors, including entities that have entered into contractsunder the Programme, is unacceptable,

Emphasizing the importance of full cooperation with the independent high-level inquiry by all United Nations officials and personnel, the Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq, and all other Member States,

Affirming the letter of its President of 31 March 2004 welcoming theSecretary-General’s decision to create an independent high-level inquiry to investigate the administration and management of the Programme and taking note ofthe details relating to its organization and terms of reference,

  1. Welcomes the appointment of the independent high-level inquiry;

2. Calls upon the Coalition Provisional Authority, Iraq, and all other Member States, including their national regulatory authorities, to cooperate fully by all appropriate means with the inquiry;

3. Looks forward to receiving the inquiry’s final report;

4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

See also  United Nations Security Council Resolution 1385 – Sierra Leone

Adopted by the Security Council at its 4946th meeting, on21 April 2004.

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