Admiralty Jurisdiction Act, 1991 (NG)

Admiralty Jurisdiction Act An Act to provide for the extent of the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court in admiralty matters and other matters connected therewith. [Commencement] [30th December, 1991] 1. Extent of the admiralty jurisdiction of the Federal High Court (1) The admiralty jurisdiction of the Federal High Court (in this Act referred to as […]
Administrative Staff College of Nigeria Act, 1972 (NG)

Administrative Staff College of Nigeria Act An Act to provide for the establishment and objects of the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria and the management of the College. [Commencement.] [1st June, 1972] Establishment and Objects of the Administrative Staff College 1. Establishment and objects of the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (1) There is hereby […]
Administration of Justice Commission Act, 1991 (NG)

Administration of Justice Commission Act An Act to establish the Administration of Justice Commission with responsibility, among other things, for the general supervision of the administration of justice. [Commencement.] [27th December, 1991] 1. Establishment of the Administration of Justice Commission There is hereby established a body to be known as the Administration of Justice Commission […]