Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria Act, 1999 (NG)

Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria Act An Act to establish the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria and to provide for the establishment of research institutes by the Council. [Commencement] [26th May, 1999] PART I Establishment, etc., of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria 1. Establishment of the Council There is hereby established a body to be […]
Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund Act, 1977 (NG)

Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund Act An Act to establish an Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund into which shall be subscribed a certain sum to provide guarantees for loans granted for agricultural purposes by any bank. [Commencement.] [8th March, 1977] Establishment and Management of the Fund 1. Establishment of the Fund, etc. (1) There shall be […]
Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute Act, 1980 (NG)

Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute Act An Act to establish a training organisation known as the Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institute to provide, among other things, detailed identification of management training needs in agricultural and rural development organisations throughout Nigeria, and to develop and implement training programmes to meet the needs of managers […]
African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (Ratification and Enforcement) Act, 1983 NG

African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (Ratification and Enforcement) Act An Act to enable effect to be given in the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights made in Banjul on the 19th day of January, 1981 and for purposes connected therewith. [Commencement.] [17th March, 1983] WHEREAS a […]
Advisory Council on Religious Affairs Act, 1987 (NG)

Advisory Council on Religious Affairs Act An Act to provide for the establishment of an Advisory Council on Religious Affairs charged with responsibility for fostering religious harmony in the Country. [Commencement.] [2nd October, 1987] 1. Establishment of the Advisory Council on Religious Affairs There is hereby established a body to be known as the Advisory […]
Advertising Practitioner’s (Registration, etc.) Act, 1988 (NG)

Advertising Practitioner’s (Registration, etc.) Act An Act to establish a council for advertising practitioners and to make provisions for the control of the practice of the profession of advertising. [Commencement.] [27th December, 1988] PART I Establishment of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria, etc. 1. Establishment of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria, etc. There is hereby […]
Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act, 2006 (NG)

Advance Fee Fraud and Other Fraud Related Offences Act An Act to prohibit and punish certain offences pertaining to advance fee fraud and other fraud related offences and to repeal other Acts related therewith. [2007 No.62.] [Commencement.] [5th June, 2006] ENACTED by the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. PART I Offences 1. […]